Brush Management Workshops
Collaborative Training for Southwest Grassland Restoration under Environmental Uncertainty
2017 – 2019

Brush Management Workshops
Collaborative Training for Southwest Grassland Restoration under Environmental Uncertainty
2017 – 2019
Name of the Project
Collaborative Training for Southwest Grassland Restoration under Environmental Uncertainty
Funding Source
USDA Western Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education Grant
July 2017 – March 2019
Description of the Project
The Altar Valley Conservation Alliance, the University of Arizona and other agricultural professionals, organized and implemented workshops that supported peer-to-peer learning on brush control. Three brush management workshops occurred in January 2018, April 2018, and October 2018. The workshops engaged landowners, land managers, and scientists in observations and discussions of current brush management issues and innovative solutions. The AVCA-UA team documented the workshop outcomes through training videos, implemented a social media campaign, and incorporated lessons learned into the Global Rangelands information system.