Last November the Alliance was honored to receive the Quivira Coalition’s Clarence Burch Award of $20,000. The award goes to an individual or organization that leads by example in promoting and accomplishing outstanding stewardship of private and/or public lands that are consistent with the mission of the Quivira Coalition: “to build resilience by fostering ecological, economic and social health on western landscapes through education, collaboration, and progressive public and private land stewardship.” We traveled to Albuquerque, New Mexico to join in the fun and festivities of Quivira’s annual conference. Our award money will go towards funding the Altar Valley Research Fellowship. This fall, Quivira will be hosting its 10th Anniversary Conference entitled “New Agrarians: How the Next Generation of Leaders Tackle 21st Century Challenges” and presenting the 2011 Clarence Burch Award winner. Click over to their website to learn more about their organization.